Siren Whispers

Siren Song

She Quietly Anticipates



She quietly anticipates

His words

Not knowing exactly what he’ll say

Not knowing exactly when he’ll say it

But when they finally come

Imagining them becoming reality

Causes a blush to bloom on her face

A sparkle to appear in her eyes

Her smile radiating across her face

And a thousand exquisite explosions

Take place

Within her

Photo taken from

Author: sirensong1208

I created this blog as a way to express myself using my poetry and photography. It is a reflection of who I am and of the things that interest me. I have many muses…perhaps the greatest one being my love of the sea, how I gravitate to anything relating to water, how I feel a pull toward it deep in my bones. At times I will be revisiting content that I have shared on Twitter which has, until now, been the forum I have expressed myself in. That said, the content will change over time as the blog grows and develops. It is my hope that the reader will enjoy the journey.

2 thoughts on “She Quietly Anticipates

  1. Reblogged this on hocuspocus13 and commented:
    jinxx ♣ xoxo

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