Siren Whispers

Siren Song


It Took Forever


It took forever to find you.

I didn’t even know that I was looking.

But when you burst into my life

I knew.

From that first moment

I knew.

This was something special

That this


Was the missing piece

That had eluded me.

The voice that had whispered to me during my days

And haunted my nights.

And now

After all that waiting and wondering

After the bliss of finding you

Of being yours

Why would I let go now?

Photo taken from Pinterest

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Passion’s Grip


Caught in passion’s grip

It’s fingers gripping her tightly

Coiling inside of her core

She is unable to control

The depth of her desire for him

She feels the flames

Lick at her heels daily


She is afraid of the intensity

Of her arousal

And exultant

In the feelings it brings forth

She surrenders to the bliss

She knows her passion for him

Will bring her

Photo taken from Pinterest