Siren Whispers

Siren Song




Things are not difficult.

They are often much more than that.

I do not lament my circumstances, my problems

I pull myself up by my bootstraps and get on with it

put any pain or sadness away and move forward

confident that ‘this too shall pass’

knowing that there are others

dealing with far worse things.

I plaster a smile upon my face

continue to look after those I care for

friends and family alike

comfort and sage advice

and try to right the course that I am on

if only in my mind.

But lately I feel stranded

and out of my depth.

The sea I am lost in

is cold, lonely

and filled with pain.

It’s not just one thing.

It never is, is it?

Situations, events in real life

that I cannot even comprehend at times.

Things that I could never, ever have anticipated

or prepared myself for

have taken my breath

knocked me down

and made it harder and harder

to get up each day

to remain hopeful

my natural optimism taking a beating.

My reality

is the continuous waves that crash down upon me.

Just as I take a breath

another one smacks into me and I am plunged headlong

into darkness.

Yet even with this

I still get up each day

and start anew.

Doing my best

doing what I can

and hoping that the oxygen

doesn’t run out.



Photograph taken from TheFormOfBeauty


Author: sirensong1208

I created this blog as a way to express myself using my poetry and photography. It is a reflection of who I am and of the things that interest me. I have many muses…perhaps the greatest one being my love of the sea, how I gravitate to anything relating to water, how I feel a pull toward it deep in my bones. At times I will be revisiting content that I have shared on Twitter which has, until now, been the forum I have expressed myself in. That said, the content will change over time as the blog grows and develops. It is my hope that the reader will enjoy the journey.

22 thoughts on “Difficult

  1. You are the song keeping this heart alive, the very reason it chooses to go on beating. So breath fight on Siren, that we both might live. Powerful Words Thank You! Un wavering fan. Joe

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Keep breathing please x

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You are stronger than you know…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. That is the secret to life. Doing your best and hope the oxygen doesn’t run out. A marvelous write that has to resonate with anyone who reads it. YTou are incredible Siren.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A beautiful and thoughtful piece, and very poignant indeed for me this week. We get up, and we endure, because we must, and find the beauty where we can. Love this.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. its sure is Alive 😉


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